The osmosis of (Osmosis) is the movement of solvent. (Often referred to water) through a membrane from a solution of low concentration to high concentration solution (remember a little water and too much water through the membrane, such as membrane Or paper cellos defenseman that we used in our experiments).
***** show osmosis. The water moves very little water through the membrane. (semipermeable membrane) ****.
The osmosis pressure in two related species .
- Osmotic pressure (Osmotic pressure) is the pressure to resist the movement of a solvent through a membrane . Such as cell membranes.
( Osmotic pressure is the force that resists the motion of the water, the water moves from an area with a lot of water to an area with less water resistance , so if there is not much water movement . Water moves through the membrane significantly. ( Not much resistance = low osmotic pressure ) and osmotic water pressure low ).
- Firm pressure (turgor pressure) is the pressure inside the cell. Occurs due to osmosis , water enters the cell and push the cells to swell up or tune . When too much water into the cell if the cell may rupture . If a plant cell is usually due to the rupture of the cell wall, the cell shape .
The balance point of the spread . Osmotic pressure of solution = peak pressure up
Is the movement of particles from a substance to an area of high density material with low density . By the kinetic energy of the substance itself. ( I had exams Ent ) .
(key word is little substance to substance . Or areas where the substance will move to areas with less substance ) by the spread of the two types .
1.1) over conventional (Simple diffusion) is not broadcasting live carrier . Or help transport (carrier) Nothing like the spread of powdered potassium permanganate in water until the water is colored magenta and around the container . The powder scent or perfume smell
Figure 1 shows a simple diffusion (the substance to substance less).

Figure 2 shows the distribution of gas in the lungs.

1.2) diffusion ° Si Tate (Facilitated diffusion) the diffusion of water through a protein carrier (Carrier) embedded in the cell membrane directly to a protein carrier (carrier) is acting like a gate to get molecules into . and out of cells. Diffusion is faster than the diffusion rate of diffusion very simple example, the liver cells and endocytosis . Intestinal epithelial cells . This diffusion occurs in the cells of organisms only.

Figure 3 shows the diffusion ° Si Tate (less substance to substance but must have taken).